Parasite Control & Prevention

Protecting cats and dogs from internal and external parasites, a constant threat to their health.

Having a parasite prevention plan in place is one of the best things you can do for your cat or dog. Besides being a nuisance, parasites can cause life-threatening conditions for your loyal companion. At our clinic we challenge the misconceptions about parasite prevention to ensure that all cherished companions get the much needed protection throughout the year. To learn more about parasite control and prevention, feel free to call us at 403-843-2234.

How do cats and dogs get parasites?

These critters are sneaky and hide in different areas, they also have different ways to get around. Your cat or dog can catch parasites in the following ways:

  • From their mother while in utero
  • From contaminated soil when they go digging
  • By ingesting worm eggs
  • Hunting or ingesting prey
  • Frequenting high forested or wooded areas

What should I expect if my cat/dog has parasites?

Another sneaky thing about parasites is that your cat or dog won’t always show signs of an infection. It’s common for internal parasites (worms) to go undetected for long periods of time which is why we recommend frequent testing and deworming. Here are some signs to look for:

  1. Diarrhea
  2. Swollen abdomen
  3. Lethargy
  4. Itching and scratching
  5. Sudden weight loss
  6. Protruding lumps
  7. Hives
  8. Scooting

How can I protect my loyal companion from parasites?

A year-round prevention plan is the best way to protect your cat or dog. Parasite preventatives are very effective when adhered to. It usually involves a monthly prescription that will boost the immune system and yearly deworming to flush out worms. The preventative can be in the form of injections, tablets or topical creams.

Is parasite prevention necessary in winter?

We still recommend parasite prevention in the cold months because your cat or dog is still at risk. Parasites will find warm areas such as barns, inside or underneath your home to stay during the winter. Protecting your cat or dog also keeps you safe as certain parasites can be passed on to you.

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