Laser Therapy for Pets

Effective and safe treatment used to reduce pain or inflammation in cats and dogs.

Laser therapy is a healing treatment that is used in veterinary medicine. It can be used to treat a number of health issues but is especially used for pain, inflammation and wound healing. Laser therapy is a great treatment option because it is drug-free, non-invasive and can be used in conjunction with other treatments.

How does laser therapy work?

This treatment uses light energy to penetrate deep tissues inside the body. We use a handheld device which emits light energy at different frequencies allowing it to reach below the skin. It is a non-invasive procedure that will stimulate cell regeneration which in turn speeds up recovery and increases blood circulation. Laser therapy is often recommended to reduce pain and inflammation, increase joint flexibility and for faster recovery from wounds/injuries.

What health conditions can be treated with laser therapy?

Cats and dogs with the following health issues can benefit from laser therapy:

  1. Back injuries
  2. Infections
  3. Sprains
  4. Fractures
  5. Allergies
  6. Arthritis
  7. Acute and chronic pain
  8. Wound healing
  9. Surgery recovery especially for orthopedic purposes
  10. Soft tissue inflammation
  11. Tendonitis
  12. Cellulitis
  13. Lick granuloma

How often will my cat or dog need laser therapy?

The veterinarian will recommend a certain number of sessions based on the patient’s condition. Typically, we see great improvements after 3-5 sessions, but your cat or dog will feel some relief almost instantly. To learn more about how laser therapy can benefit your cat or dog, please call us at 403-843-2234.

Is laser therapy safe?

Your feline or canine companion will be 100% safe during their treatment. We provide eyewear to protect their eyes from the bright light. You can be rest assured that our team will do everything to protect your cat or dog. Most patients will tolerate the treatment very well as they begin to feel some relief. Laser therapy is not recommended if the patient is pregnant or has cancer as it can cause elevated risks.

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